
become ill أمثلة على


  1. That night, you became ill and were taken from us.
    فى تلك الليلة ، أصبحت مريضاً وأُخذت مننا
  2. We have evidence that Morgan became ill that night.
    نحن لدنيا دليل ان مورقان اصبح مريضا تلك الليلة.
  3. But they would both one day grow old, become ill and die.
    لكنه يعلم أنه يوما ما سيصبح عجوزا
  4. There's a pattern of people becoming ill for no reason.
    هناك نَمط لأناسٍ يَغدون مَرضى بدون سبب.
  5. Dr Carter did not become ill during her first 48 hours.
    دّكتور كارتر ما أصبح مرضا أثناء ساعاتها الـ48 الأولى
  6. المزيد من الجملة   التالية
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